Junge Choreografen
Choreografien von
Donna-Mae Burrows°
Daria Chudjakowa
Andrei Cozlac°
Nora Dürig
Benoît Favre
Manoela Goncalves / Esther Pérez-Samper
Matthew Knight°
Pornpim Karchai
Viktorina Kapitonova
Melissa Ligurgo
Roberta Martins Portugal
Filipe Portugal
°Junior Ballett
Past performances
May 2014
Junge Choreografen
Premiere, Studiobühne
Junge Choreografen
Junge Choreografen
Junge Choreografen
Junge Choreografen
Junge Choreografen
Good to know
Junge Choreografen
Junge Choreografen
The “Young choreographers” series aims to identify and promote young talent at an early stage: Zurich Ballet’s talented young choreographers will be in the limelight once a season. Dancers from the ensemble interested in creating choreography are given the opportunity to present themselves as choreographers. They thus have the appealing task of discovering dance from another perspective and jointly presenting a mutually inspiring ballet evening. These young artists will rehearse their new creations with their dancing colleagues and will also be able to try their hands at stage and costume design. On five evenings, a fascinating variety of choreographic and theatrical ideas will be presented to audiences on the Studio stage, and it is possible that audiences may soon encounter any one of these names on the principal ballet stage.

Donna-Mae Burrows,
Donna-Mae Burrows
Donna-Mae Burrows stammt aus Australien. Ihre Tanzausbildung absolvierte sie an der Australian Ballet School, an der National Ballet School of Canada, an der JKO School of American Ballet Theatre und an der School of American Ballet. Mit dem Australian Ballet war sie 2011 auf einer Tournee mit Don Quixote. Seit der Spielzeit 2012/13 ist sie Mitglied des Junior Balletts.

Nora Dürig,
Nora Dürig
Nora Dürig, who is Swiss, was educated at the ballett school of the Opera House Zürich and at the ballett school of the Hamburger Ballett. She was a member of Ballett Zürich from 2008 to 2015 after being with the Junior Ballett for one season. She danced leading roles in Heinz Spoerlis Der Tod und das Mädchen, Wäre heute morgen und gestern jetzt and Goldberg-Variationen, Mats Eks Sleeping beauty (Aurora), Kylians Bella Figura and Falling Angels as well as Hans van Manens Frank Bridge Variations. Furthermore she was part of choreographies by William Forsythe, Edward Clug, Martin Schläpfer and Marco Goecke. She presented her choreography Frühlingswind in the series of «Junge Choreografen». As a guest she will be taking over the part of the queen mother in the Schwanensee reconstruction by Alexei Ratmansky.

Benoît Favre,
Benoît Favre
Benoît Favre is from Switzerland, and trained at Neuchâtel’s Académie de Ballet and the Zurich Dance Academy. He has earned several awards at the Solothurn International Dance Competition (including a gold medal in 2010), and won gold at the Tanzolymp in Berlin. He was also a finalist (and won the Best Swiss Candidate Prize) at the 2011 Prix de Lausanne. After two years with the Junior Ballet, he joined the main Ballett Zürich company for the 2014/15 season. He has already been seen in a number of productions including Marco Goecke’s Deer Vision, and has presented his own works Shift and Identities under the company’s Young Choreographers programme. He won the Friends of Ballett Zürich Dance Prize for 2014; and earlier this year his work broken_line earned him the first-ever choreography prize at the Tanzolymp in Berlin.

Manoela Gonçalves,
Manoela Gonçalves
Manoela Gonçalves ist Brasilianerin. Sie studierte an der Ballettschule des Teatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro und an der English National Ballet School in London. Bei Tanzwettbewerben in Brasilien gewann sie eine Gold- und eine Silbermedaille und erreichte das Finale des «Youth American Grand Prix» in New York. Sie war Mitglied des Balletts Dortmund und gehört seit der Spielzeit 2012/13 zum Junior Ballett.

Viktorina Kapitonova,
Viktorina Kapitonova
Viktorina Kapitonova, who is a native of Russia, studied at the Kazan Ballet School and Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre Academy. The winner of both the Young Ballet of Russia competition and the Arabesque contest of 2008, from 2005 onwards she danced at the Jalil Opera House in Kazan, performing solo roles in Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, La Bayadère, Coppélia and The Nutcracker. She was a member of the Stanislavsky Ballet for the 2008/09 season; and she joined Ballett Zürich in 2010, since when her performances have included Odette/Odile in Heinz Spoerli’s Swan Lake, solos in Spoerli’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Wäre heute morgen und gestern jetzt, ...und mied den Wind and Goldberg Variations, Rosetta in Christian Spuck’s Leonce and Lena, the nurse in Spuck’s Romeo and Juliet and the leading role in Spuck’s Anna Karenina. She has also been seen in choreographies by Balanchine, Ek, Forsythe, Kylián, Lee, McGregor and Schläpfer. She presented her choreography Two Bodies – One Soul as part of the company’s Young Choreographers programme. As Giselle/Myrtha she was seen in Patrice Bart’s Giselle, alongside Roberto Bolle and Friedemann Vogel. She was also the recipient of the Friends of Ballett Zürich’s Dance Prize for 2015. Last season her roles included Odette/Odile in the reconstruction of Swan Lake by Alexei Ratmansky as well as Olimpia in Christian Spuck’s Der Sandmann.

Matthew Knight,
Matthew Knight
Matthew Knight is British. He completed his training at the Elmhurst School and the Royal Ballet School in London. After a season with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich in the 2014/15 season. He presented Jane Doe and Mocambo as part of the «Junge Choreografen» series. He has danced in choreographies by Mats Ek (Cavalier in Dornröschen), William Forsythe, Marco Goecke (Moor in Petruschka), Jiří Kylián, Douglas Lee, Sol León/Paul Lightfoot, Hans van Manen, Wayne McGregor, Ohad Naharin, Crystal Pite, and Filipe Portugal. He was Leonce in Christian Spuck’s Leonce und Lena, Nathanael in Spuck’s Der Sandmann and the Clown in Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig. In 2018 he also appeared as the title roles in Edward Clug’s Faust and in Marco Goecke’s Nijinski. In 2016 he was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich».

Mélissa Ligurgo,
Mélissa Ligurgo
Mélissa Ligurgo comes from Belgium and studied at the Royal Ballet School in Antwerp. She danced in John Cranko’s Onegin (Tatiana), as well as in ballets by Forsythe, Kylián, Dawson, and Robbins, at the Royal Ballet of Flanders. She appeared in Preljocaj’s Romeo und Julia (Julia) at the Ballett Basel in the 2011/12 season. She has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2012/13 season, where has danced Lena in Leonce und Lena by Christian Spuck and Frau Mauserinks in Nussknacker und Mausekönig. She has also appeared in choreographies by Wayne McGregor and Douglas Lee. As part of the «Junge Choreografen» series she presented Mind Games and Klastos together with Giulia Tonelli as well as Individuo.