A visit to the opera house can enchant, beguile, amaze – it can make you happy and melancholic, thoughtful and captivated, hold you rapt and perplex you. Every opera or ballet performance is a powerhouse of emotions, fueled by the many people on stage and in the wings, all of whom contribute all their skills and knowledge every day to ensure that the curtain goes up on time and the magic unfolds across in the footlights. Coming together to experience and share in this range of emotions – doing this is more priceless today than it has ever been before. And the art forms of opera and ballet make this possible like no other art forms.
Support the Opernhaus in its efforts to delight you with the best possible performances. Today and in the future. Your donation will be your investment in your cultural and musical enjoyment!
«We want to give something back to the Opernhaus Zürich in thanks for the many incredible moments we’ve had the privilege of enjoying in this theater».
Ingrid Hug-Oechslin and Egon Hug,
Egon-und-Ingrid-Hug-Stiftung and Patrons of the Friends of the Opera Zurich
What gets your heart pounding?
Would you like to support the current call for donations, or would you prefer to more generally support the Opernhaus as a cultural institution? Get up close to the action at rehearsal visits with likeminded Friends as a member of the Förderkreis? Or is fostering young artistic talents especially dear to your heart? Bespoke patronage – we’re happy to advise you!

Community and social responsibility combined with cultural gems and extraordinary encounters.
Become a Sponsoring Partner of the Opernhaus now.
Opera Fan!
You love the world of opera, and you’re curious about what takes place during a rehearsal. Have you always wanted to get that celebrated glimpse behind the scenes or stand on those planks that mean the world?
As a Friend of the Opera Zurich you’ll be up close and a part of it all.
Ballet Fan!
You love dance, and want to have front row seats as the Company learns a new choreography? You’re fascinated by a dancer’s daily routine and want to learn more?
As a Friend of Ballet Zurich you’ll get exclusive insights and will be in the middle of everything.Questions about your donation?
Can I donate for a specific purpose?
Yes, you can specify your donation purpose in the donation form. Or let us know your wish by telephone on 044 268 64 17 or .
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Donations to Opernhaus Zürich are tax-deductible as charitable donations in accordance with § 32 lit. b and § 65 lit. c of the Tax Act of the Canton of Zurich.
Will I receive a donation receipt?
We will be happy to issue you with a confirmation of your donation for the tax authorities.
How can I transfer a donation?
You can make your donation by credit card (Mastercard, Visa), Postfinance Card, Postfinance E-Finance, Twint or Paypal. We are also happy to send you a QR-bill or you can make a transfer via e-banking:
IBAN: CH73 0900 0000 8833 8782 3
Opernhaus Zürich AG
Falkenstrasse 1
8008 Zürich
Is my data secure when donating online?
The donation platform is operated by www.soulclick.ch. Data is transmitted in encrypted form via a secure 256-bit SSL connection. Zurich Opera House does not store any credit card data. Your payment details are transferred directly via a Datatrans payment gateway in encrypted form to a partner certified by the credit card industry (PCI DSS). Our service providers may only use the information to fulfil their tasks and are obliged to comply with Swiss data protection regulations.
Your personal data is treated as strictly confidential: Zurich Opera House does not trade in addresses, does not rent, sell or exchange personal data and complies with the applicable data protection regulations, in particular the revised Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG).
Do you have any questions about your donation, suggestions or requests? Please contact us on 044 268 64 17 or