
Long Movie Night

On the eve of oper für alle, the Sechseläutenplatz will be transformed into an open-air cinema for the first time! A Long Movie Night will feature the Hollywood films Florence Foster Jenkins and La La Land.

from 17.30 chair sale, gastro offers and sparkling cocktails from Turicum Distillery
18.30 Florence Foster Jenkins
20.45 La La Land

Both films will be broadcast in original English with German subtitles.

Free entrance

Good to know

Florence Foster Jenkins

Loving portrait of a passionate amateur singer who had far more financial means than talent. Gorgeously played by Meryl Streep, with Hugh Grant and «The Big Bang Theory» star Simon Helberg at her side.

La La Land

An iconic soundtrack, unforgettable images that evoke old Hollywood, and the dream team of Emma Stone / Ryan Gosling: this movie musical has been showered with awards. Moist eyes (or holdless sobs) guaranteed!

And the day after...

oper für alle

It's the event of the summer: on June 17th there's «opera for all»! Pack your picnic basket, camping chairs and friends and head to Sechseläutenplatz. Further Information

dialogue for all - help shape the future! On June 17th, the Opernhaus invites you to workshops and talks on the topic of  «Future Opera». We are looking forward to your input!

Further information and registration