Family Workshops «sleeping beauty»
For children 7 years and older, with adult accompaniment
This offer for the whole family is the optimal preparation for the common ballet or opera visit. Parents and children experience a short excerpt from the work live and meet singers, dancers and musicians. They play and dance with the story and the characters of the respective work. In this way they learn a lot of interesting facts about the piece and at the same time experience how much fun and joy playing, singing and dancing together can be.
We strive to offer you and the children a safe musical experience in the workshops. The rooms of the Opera House are adequately supplied with fresh air by the ventilation system. Hand disinfectant is available at the entrance. The workshop is designed in such a way that practical exercises in small groups are mainly done within the family.
We ask families to bring their own snacks and drinks for the break.
There is a lot of playing and dancing in the workshop, so we recommend wearing comfortable clothes.
If possible, please bring ballet or gymnastics slippers.
14.30 hours, duration: 2.5 hours
studio stage
Collection: Ticket office
CHF 20
Supported by