
Introductory Matinee L'Orfeo

Claudio Monteverdi's operas mark the beginning of opera history in the 17th century and at the same time a first high point in the development of this genre. Monteverdi has a tradition at Opernhaus Zürich; Nikolaus Harnoncourt had a decisive influence on Monteverdi's interpretation in the 1970s with his performances of all three surviving operas. After Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria and L'incoronazione di Poppea, a new Monteverdi cycle is now coming to a close with L'Orfeo under the directorship of Andreas Homoki. Claus Spahn talks to conductor Ottavio Dantone, director Evgeny Titov and the singer of the title role, Krystian Adam, in the introductory matinee about one of the very first operas.