

Music by Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Ballet in one prologue and two acts by Christian Spuck
after the fairytale «La Belle au bois dormant» by Charles Perrault

Choreography and staging Christian Spuck Music Direction Robertas Šervenikas Stage design Rufus Didwiszus Costumes Buki Shiff Lighting designer Martin Gebhardt Dramaturgy Michael Küster und Christian Spuck

Duration approx. 2 H. 35 Min. incl. intermission after approx. 1 H. 20 Min. Introduction 45 min before the performance.

Past performances

April 2022





Ballet by Christian Spuck, Sunday subscription A





Ballet by Christian Spuck





Ballet by Christian Spuck, Ballet subscription Big





Ballet by Christian Spuck





Ballet by Christian Spuck

June 2022





Ballet by Christian Spuck, AMAG people's performance





Ballet by Christian Spuck, AMAG people's performance





Ballet by Christian Spuck, Mixed subscription A

Good to know

From Friday, 1 April, the mandatory wearing of masks will no longer be required for the public at all performances and events at the Opernhaus Zürich. You can find more information here.





Trailer «Dornröschen»






Rehearsal photos






Christian Spuck,

Christian Spuck

Christian Spuck stammt aus Marburg und wurde an der John Cranko Schule in Stuttgart ausgebildet. Seine tänzerische Laufbahn begann er in Jan Lauwers’ Needcompany und Anne Teresa de Keersmaekers Ensemble «Rosas». 1995 wurde er Mitglied des Stuttgarter Balletts und war von 2001 bis 2012 Hauschoreograf der Compagnie. In Stuttgart kreierte er fünfzehn Uraufführungen, darunter die Handlungsballette Lulu. Eine Monstretragödie nach Frank Wedekind, Der Sandmann und Das Fräulein von S. nach E.T.A. Hoffmann. Darüber hinaus hat Christian Spuck mit zahlreichen namhaften Ballettcompagnien in Europa und den USA gearbeitet. Für das Königliche Ballett Flandern entstand 2006 The Return of Ulysses, beim Norwegischen Nationalballett Oslo wurde Woyzeck nach Georg Büchner uraufgeführt. Das Ballett Die Kinder beim Aalto Ballett Essen wurde für den «Prix Benois de la Danse» nominiert, das ebenfalls in Essen uraufgeführte Ballett Leonce und Lena nach Georg Büchner wurde von den Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal, dem Charlotte Ballet, USA, dem Tschechischen Nationalballett Prag und vom Stuttgarter Ballett übernommen. Die Uraufführung von Poppea//Poppea für Gauthier Dance am Theaterhaus Stuttgart wurde 2010 von der Zeitschrift «Dance Europe» zu den zehn erfolgreichsten Tanzproduktionen weltweit gewählt sowie mit dem deutschen Theaterpreis Der Faust 2011 und dem italienischen «Danza/Danza-Award» ausgezeichnet. Christian Spuck hat auch Opern inszeniert: Auf Glucks Orphée et Euridice an der Staatsoper Stuttgart folgten Verdis Falstaff am Staatstheater Wiesbaden sowie Berlioz’ La Damnation de Faust und Wagners Fliegender Holländer an der Deutschen Oper Berlin. Von 2012 bis 2023 war Christian Spuck Direktor des Balletts Zürich. Hier waren seine Choreografien Romeo und Julia, Leonce und Lena, Woyzeck, Der Sandmann, Messa da Requiem, Nussknacker und Mausekönig, Dornröschen und Monteverdi zu sehen. Das 2014 in Zürich uraufgeführte Ballett Anna Karenina nach Lew Tolstoi wurde in Oslo, am Moskauer Stanislawski-Theater, vom Koreanischen Nationalballett und vom Bayerischen Staatsballett ins Repertoire übernommen. 2018 hatte in Zürich Spucks Ballett Winterreise Premiere, für das er mit dem «Prix Benois de la Danse 2019» ausgezeichnet wurde. 2019 folgte beim Ballett Zürich Helmut Lachenmanns Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern (Auszeichnung als «Produktion des Jahres und Kompanie des Jahres für das Ballett Zürich durch die Zeitschrift tanz). Für das Moskauer Bolschoitheater kreierte er 2021 sein Ballett Orlando nach Virginia Woolf. Spucks Messa da Requiem wurde nicht nur zum Adelaide Festival nach Australien eingeladen, sondern auch vom Het Nationale Oper & Ballet Amsterdam und vom Finnischen Nationalballett übernommen. Seit Beginn der Saison 2023/24 ist Christian Spuck Intendant des Staatsballetts Berlin.

Robertas Šervenikas,

Robertas Šervenikas

Robertas Šervenikas studierte Dirigieren am Konservatorium in St. Petersburg. Er ist Leiter des Litauischen Kammerorchesters und Erster Gastdirigent des Nationalen Litauischen Sinfonieorchesters. Von 2008 bis 2018 war er Musikdirektor des Litauischen Nationaltheaters für Oper und Ballett. Dort leitete u.a. Aufführungen von Jewgeni Onegin, La traviata, Der fliegende Holländer, Herzog Blaubarts Burg/Der wunderbare Mandarin und Cornet, eine Oper der litauischen Komponistin Onutė Narbutaitė. Beim Evian Festival dirigierte er Konzerte mit der Philharmonie der Nationen und dem Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi. Mit dem Litauischen Sinfonieorchester brachte er zahlreiche Werke litauischer Komponisten zur Uraufführung und wurde mit dem litauischen Nationalpreis ausgezeichnet. Seit 2008 ist Robertas Šervenikas dem Bayerischen Staatsorchester verbunden und dirigierte dort zahlreiche Aufführungen des Bayerischen Staatsballetts (u.a. Der Sturm von Jörg Mannes, Ballettabend Forever Young, Romeo und Julia von John Cranko bei einem Gastspiel im Oman). Christian Spucks Ballett Anna Karenina dirigierte er nicht nur in München, sondern auch beim Norwegischen Nationalballett in Oslo. Mit Dornröschen debütiert Robertas Šervenikas beim Ballett Zürich.

Rufus Didwiszus,

Rufus Didwiszus

Rufus Didwiszus studierte Bühnen- und Kostümbild in Stuttgart bei Jürgen Rose und arbeitet seither als freier Bühnenbildner in Theater-, Opern- und Tanzproduktionen, u. a. mit Barrie Kosky (La Belle Hélène, Die Perlen der Cleopatra und Anatevka an der Komischen Oper Berlin; La fanciulla del West, Die Gezeichneten und Boris Godunow am Opernhaus Zürich; Orphée aux enfers, Salzburger Festspiele; Fürst Igor, Opéra de Paris; Der Rosenkavalier, Bayerische Staatsoper), Thomas Ostermeier (u. a. Shoppen &Ficken in der Baracke des Deutschen Theaters Berlin mit Einladung zum Berliner Theatertreffen und nach Avignon; Der blaue Vogel am Deutschen Theater, Feuergesicht am Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Der Name bei den Salzburger Festspielen und an der Berliner Schaubühne, The Girl on the Sofa beim Edinburgh International Festival und an der Schaubühne, Vor Sonnenaufgang an den Münchner Kammerspielen), Sasha Waltz, Tom Kühnel, Christian Stückl, Stefan Larsson, Tomas Alfredson und Christian Lollike. Seit 2004 entwirft und inszeniert Rufus Didwiszus mit Joanna Dudley eigene Musik-Theater-Performances, u. a. in den Sophiensaelen, an der Schaubühne und im Radialsystem in Berlin sowie im BOZAR in Brüssel. Mit seiner Band «Friedrichs» war er in Der weisse Wolf am Staatstheater Stuttgart zu sehen. Zudem war er als Gastdozent an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee tätig. Für Barrie Kosky entstanden zuletzt die Bühnenbilder zu Rimski-Korsakows Der goldene Hahn an der Komischen Oper Berlin, Das Rheingold am Royal Opera House London sowie Offenbachs Les Brigands an der Opéra National de Paris.

Manon Lescaut09, 13, 16, 19, 23 Feb; 01, 06, 13, 16, 22 Mar 2025

Buki Shiff,

Buki Shiff

Buki Shiff wurde in Israel geboren und studierte an der Universität Tel-Aviv. Seit 1984 ist sie als Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin für Theater, Film, Fernsehen und Oper in Israel, Europa und den USA tätig. Dabei arbeitet sie regelmässig mit den Regisseuren Barrie Kosky, David Alden, Richard Jones und Robert Carsen zusammen. Zu ihren Arbeiten zählen Ausstattungen für Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Faust, Sweeney Todd, Cavalleria Rusticana, Pagliacci, Boris Godunow, Madama Butterfly und Don Giovanni an der New Israeli Opera Tel Aviv, Tannhäuser, L’Incoronazione di Poppea, Rinaldo, Rodelinda, La Calisto, Orlando und Semiramide an der Bayerischen Staatsoper in München, Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Tristan und Isolde und Der fliegende Holländer an der Berliner Staatsoper, Boris Godunow an der Wiener Volksoper, Tristan und Isolde am Teatro Real Madrid, Lulu an der English National Opera, Wozzeck und Meistersinger an der Welsh National Opera, Candide am Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris und an der Mailänder Scala, Wozzeck und La belle Hélène an der Komischen Oper Berlin, Die Nase am Royal Opera House Covent Garden sowie Die Liebe zu den drei Orangen an der Deutschen Oper Berlin. 2006 wurde Buki Shiff in Tel-Aviv als Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin des Jahres ausgezeichnet, 2008 erhielt sie den Rosenblum-Preis als Künstlerin des Jahres. 2013 wurde sie bei den International Opera Awards in London als beste Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin geehrt. Darüber hinaus war sie an Kunstausstellungen in Tel Aviv und Europa beteiligt.

Martin Gebhardt,

Martin Gebhardt

Martin Gebhardt war Lichtgestalter und Beleuchtungsmeister bei John Neumeiers Hamburg Ballett. Ab 2002 arbeitete er mit Heinz Spoerli und dem Ballett Zürich zusammen. Ballettpro­duk­­­tionen der bei­den Compagnien führten ihn an re­­­­nom­­­mierte Theater in Eu­ro­­pa, Asien und Amerika. Am Opernhaus Zürich schuf er das Lichtdesign für In­szenie­run­gen von Jürgen Flimm, David Alden, Jan Philipp Gloger, Grischa Asagaroff, Matthias Hartmann, David Pountney, Moshe Leiser/Patrice Caurier, Da­miano Mi­chie­­letto und Achim Freyer. Bei den Salzburger Festspielen kreierte er die Lichtgestaltung für La bohème und eine Neufassung von Spoerlis Der Tod und das Mädchen. Seit der Spielzeit 2012/13 ist Martin Gebhardt Leiter des Beleuchtungswesens am Opernhaus Zürich. Eine enge Zu­sam­men­arbeit verbindet ihn heute mit dem Cho­reo­grafen Christian Spuck (u.a. Win­ter­­reise, Nussknacker und Mause­könig, Messa da Requiem, Anna Karenina, Woy­zeck, Der Sandmann, Leonce und Lena, Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern). Er war ausserdem Lichtdesigner für die Choreografen Edward Clug (u.a. Strings, Le Sacre du printemps und Faust in Zürich), Alexei Ratmansky, Wayne McGregor, Marco Goecke, und Douglas Lee. Mit Christoph Mar­tha­ler und Anna Viebrock arbeitete er beim Händel-Abend Sale und Rossinis Il viaggio a Reims in Zürich sowie bei Lulu an der Hamburgischen Staatsoper zu­sam­men und mit Jossi Wieler und Sergio Morabito an der Oper Genf für Les Huguenots. 2023 gestaltete er das Licht für Spucks Ballett Bovary beim Staatsballett Berlin und 2024 Rossinis Tancredi an den Bregenzer Festspielen. Ausserdem war er Lichtdesigner bei Atonement von Cathy Marston am Opernhaus Zürich.

Clara11, 15, 20, 27, 30 Oct; 01, 02, 09, 10, 15 Nov 2024 Le nozze di Figaro15, 18, 20, 22 Dec 2024; 02 Jan 2025 Of Light, Wind and Waters18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30 Jan; 07, 14, 22 Feb; 20 Mar 2025 Atonement14, 18, 20, 22 Jun 2025 L'Orfeo29 Jun; 03, 06, 08, 11 Jul 2025 Giselle07, 12, 13, 15, 19 Dec 2024; 31 Jan; 01, 18, 25, 26, 28 Feb; 09 Mar 2025 The Butterfly Effect16, 21, 23 Feb 2025

Xiaoming Wang,

Xiaoming Wang

Xiaoming Wang wurde 1982 in China geboren. Er studierte Violine bei Xu Lu am Zentral-Konservatorium Peking und bei Gerhard Schulz in Wien. Erste Preise erhielt er bei der «MIDO International Violin Competition» und beim «Stephanie Hohl Wettbewerb» sowie den Sonderpreis beim «Leopold Mozart Wettbewerb» in Augsburg.

Als Solist trat Xiaoming mit bedeutenden Orchestern auf, u.a. mit dem Poznan Phiharmonic, dem Wiener Webern Symphonie Orchester, dem China NCPA Orchester, dem Ensemble Chaarts und dem China Philharmonic Orchestra. Konzerttourneen führten ihn durch ganz Europa, nach Asien, USA und Südamerika. Unter den internationalen Festivals sind zu nennen: Schleswig-Holstein-Musikfestival, Rheingau Festival, Kissinger Sommer, Verbier Festival, Lucerne Festival sowie NCPA Beijing und Shanghai Summer Music Festival.
Seit 2008 ist Xiaoming Wang Konzertmeister 1b bei der Philharmonia Zürich. Als Konzertmeister wirkte er auch beim Verbier Festival Orchester und als regelmässiger Gastkonzertmeister in Deutschland, China und der Schweiz.

Xiaoming ist Primarius des Stradivari Quartetts, welches jährlich 40 Konzerte spielt. CDs mit Quartetten von Mozart, Schumann und Schubert sind bisher erschienen.
Leidenschaftlich fördert Xiaoming  junge Talente, seit September 2016 als Dozent an der Kalaidos Musik Hochschule. Als Gastdozent wirkt er am Central Conservatory of Music Bejing und an Meisterkursen in Pila (Polen) und in Seoul.

Xiaoming Wang spielt eine Violine von Alessandro Gagliano 1706, eine Leihgabe des Kantons Zürich.

Tribute to Schnittke07 Nov 2024

Michelle Willems,

Michelle Willems

Michelle Willems is French. She studied at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and at the Atelier Rudra-Béjart in Lausanne. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, she joined Ballett Zürich in the 2016/17 season. After solo roles in Giselle and Schwanensee, she danced Kitty in Christian Spuck’s Anna Karenina, Marie in Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig and Gretchen in Edward Clug’s Faust, and in Spuck’s Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern. She has also appeared in choreographies by William Forsythe, Jiří Kylián, Marco Goecke, Crystal Pite, George Balanchine, Ohad Naharin, Douglas Lee, and Filipe Portugal She was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich» in 2018.

Emma Antrobus,

Emma Antrobus

Emma Antrobus comes from Australia. She studied at the Lamont Dance Theatre, at the Conlan College in Sydney and at the Ballett Akademie of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, she joined Ballett Zürich with the 2019/20 season. She danced in choreographies by Christian Spuck (including Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern), Edward Clug, Crystal Pite, and Ohad Naharin. In 2018, she was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich».

William Moore,

William Moore

William Moore is British and studied at the Royal Ballet School in London. He has won prizes at international ballet competitions. He has belonged to the Stuttgart Ballet since 2005 and was appointed as principal dancer there in 2010. Important roles were Siegfried in Schwanensee, Lensky in Onegin and Lucentio in Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung (all by John Cranko), Armand in Neumeier’s Kameliendame, Leonce in Christian Spuck’s Leonce und Lena, the title role in Marco Goecke’s Orlando, Albrecht in Giselle by Anderson/Savina, Colas in Ashton’s La fille mal gardée. In 2012 William Moore was awarded the German Theater Prize «Der Faust». Since the 2012/13 season he has been first soloist with Ballett Zürich. Important roles include Romeo in Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, Vronsky in Anna Karenina, the Nutcracker in Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, Mephisto in Faust by Edward Clug, Petruschka in the choreography by Marco Goecke, and Diaghilev in Goecke’s Nijinski. He has also appeared in pieces by Wayne McGregor, Sol León/Paul Lightfoot, Douglas Lee, and Jiří Kylián. In 2018 he received the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich».

Cohen Aitchison-Dugas,

Cohen Aitchison-Dugas

Cohen Aitchison-Dugas is Canadian. He studied at the École Supérieure de Ballet du Québec and at the National Ballet School in Canada. In the 2015/16 season he danced in The Nutcracker with the Grands Ballets Canadiens. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich in the 2017/18 season. He has performed in Jacopo Godani’s rituals from another when, in Filipe Portugal’s Behind the mirror and danced the role of the Mouse King in Christian Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, among others. He was awarded with the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich» in 2018.

Jan Casier,

Jan Casier

Jan Casier was born in Belgium. He studied at the Royal Ballet School in Antwerp. From 2008 to 2012 he was a member of the Royal Ballet of Flanders where he danced in ballets by John Cranko, William Forsythe, David Dawson and Christian Spuck. He appeared in David Dawson’s Faun(e) as a guest at the English National Ballet. From 2012 to 2014 he was a member of Ballett Zürich, where he performed roles in numerous Christian Spuck ballets, including Leonce in Leonce und Lena, Paris in Romeo und Julia and the title role of Woyzeck. He also danced in choreographies by Edward Clug, Sol León/Paul Lightfoot, Marco Goecke and Wayne McGregor. From 2014 to 2016 he was a member of the Semperoper Ballett Dresden. There he performed in choreographies by Aaron Watkins (Prince in The Nutcracker), William Forsythe, Alexei Ratmansky, David Dawson and Alexander Ekman. Jan Casier returned to Ballett Zürich in 2016. Since his return, he has danced in Forsythe’s Quintett, Godani’s rituals from another when and the title role in Edward Clug’s Faust and Marco Goecke’s Nijinski. He also appeared as Drosselmeier in Christian Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig. In 2019, he was named «Dancer of the Year» by the «tanz» magazine and was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich».

Matthew Knight,

Matthew Knight

Matthew Knight is British. He completed his training at the Elmhurst School and the Royal Ballet School in London. After a season with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich in the 2014/15 season. He presented Jane Doe and Mocambo as part of the «Junge Choreografen» series. He has danced in choreographies by Mats Ek (Cavalier in Dornröschen), William Forsythe, Marco Goecke (Moor in Petruschka), Jiří Kylián, Douglas Lee, Sol León/Paul Lightfoot, Hans van Manen, Wayne McGregor, Ohad Naharin, Crystal Pite, and Filipe Portugal. He was Leonce in Christian Spuck’s Leonce und Lena, Nathanael in Spuck’s Der Sandmann and the Clown in Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig. In 2018 he also appeared as the title roles in Edward Clug’s Faust and in Marco Goecke’s Nijinski. In 2016 he was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich».

Lucas Valente,

Lucas Valente

Lucas Valente comes from Brazil. He studied performing arts and philosophy at the University of São Paulo. His first engagement was with the Ballet Company Laura Alonso in Havana and he was involved in the «Arsenale della Danza» project at the Venice Biennale in 2012. From 2012 to 2016 he danced in the São Paulo Companhia de Dança, where he appeared in choreographies by Edouard Lock, Marco Goecke, William Forsythe, Nacho Duato, and Jiří Kylián, among others. He danced in choreographies by Richard Siegal at the Ballet of Difference in 2017. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season. He presented his choreography Trees Die Standing as a part of the «Junge Choreografen» series. He has appeared as Tybalt/Count Capulet in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia and appeared in Crystal Pite’s Emergence.

The Butterfly Effect16, 21, 23 Feb 2025 Giselle07, 12, 13, 15, 19 Dec 2024; 31 Jan; 01, 18, 25, 28 Feb 2025 Of Light, Wind and Waters18, 23, 26 Jan; 14, 22 Feb; 20 Mar 2025

Inna Bilash,

Inna Bilash

Inna Bilash comes from Ukraine. She studied ballet at the Kharkov Choreographic School, the Perm State Choreographic College and the Perm State Academy of Arts and Culture. She was a principal dancer in the Perm Ballet, where she appeared as Julia in Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo und Julia, Odette/Odile in Natalia Makorova’s Schwanensee, Giselle in the choreography of Perrot/Coralli/Petipa, the Bride in Kylián’s Les Noces and Masha in MacMillan’s Winter Dreams. She has also appeared as a soloist in choreographies by Jerome Robbins, George Balanchine and Douglas Lee. She won the Arabesque Competition in Perm and the Bolshoi Ballet Television Competition. In 2017 she was awarded the prize from the ballet magazine «The Soul of Dance». Inna Bilash has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2018/19 season and has appeared in a variety of roles, including as the title role in Patrice Bart’s Giselle.

Clara11, 15, 20, 27, 30 Oct; 01, 02, 09, 10, 15 Nov 2024 Giselle07, 12, 13, 15, 19 Dec 2024; 31 Jan; 01, 18 Feb 2025 Of Light, Wind and Waters19, 24, 26, 30 Jan; 07, 14 Feb 2025

Francesca Dell'Aria,

Francesca Dell'Aria

Francesca Dell’Aria comes from Italy. She received her training at the Elmhurst School and the Birmingham Royal Ballet. After an engagement with the Slovak National Ballet, she was a member of the Bayerisches Staatsballett from 2010 to 2014. She has belonged to Ballett Zürich since the 2014/15 season and has appeared in choreographies by William Forsythe (New Sleep, workwithinwork, In the middle, The Second Detail), Jiří Kylián (Gods and Dogs, Falling Angels), George Balanchine, Hans van Manen (Kammerballett) Jacopo Godani, Douglas Lee, Edward Clug, Marco Goecke (Nijinski), and Crystal Pite. She also appeared in the title role of Christian Spuck’s Anna Karenina and as Myrtha in Patrice Bart’s Giselle. She was awarded with the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich» in 2019.

Clara11, 15, 20, 27, 30 Oct; 01, 02, 09, 10, 15 Nov 2024 Giselle07, 12, 13, 15, 19 Dec 2024 Of Light, Wind and Waters24 Jan 2025

Elena Vostrotina,

Elena Vostrotina

Elena Vostrotina comes from St. Petersburg. She received her ballet education at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. In 2003 she became a member of the Mariinsky Ballet. There she danced among others Odette/Odile in Schwanensee (Petipa/Ivanov), Myrtha in Giselle (Coralli/Perrot), Queen of the Dryads in Don Quixote (Gorsky) and in Approximate Sonata (Forsythe). In 2006 she was engaged by Aaron S. Watkin at the Semperoper Ballett Dresden. Here she was appointed principal dancer and danced a wide repertoire of classical, neoclassical and modern ballets. She has collaborated with renowned choreographers and performed at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theater in Moscow, at the State Theater Novosibirsk, at the gala «Roberto Bolle and Friends», and at the Ballets Bubeníček. Elena Vostrotina has been a first soloist at Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season, where season she has appeared as Odette/Odile in Ratmansky’s Schwanensee reconstruction, as the nursemaid in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, Myrtha in Patrice Bart’s Giselle as well as in Christian Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, Winterreise and Nocturne.

Clara15 Oct; 02, 10 Nov 2024 Giselle07, 12, 13, 19 Dec 2024; 31 Jan; 01, 26 Feb; 09 Mar 2025 Of Light, Wind and Waters18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30 Jan; 07, 14, 22 Feb 2025

Rafaelle Queiroz,

Rafaelle Queiroz

Rafaelle Queiroz is from Brazil. She received her training in Rio de Janeiro and, with a stipend from the Tanzstiftung Birgit Keil, at the Akademie des Tanzes in Mannheim. She was a finalist at the «Prix de Lausanne» and won the Langham Award at the Youth American Grand Prix 2009. She was a member of the Badisches Staatsballett Karlsruhe from 2009 to 2019, where roles included Odette/Odile in Schwanensee by Christopher Wheeldon, Myrtha in Giselle by Peter Wright, the title role in La Sylphide by Peter Schaufuss, Katharina/Bianca in Cranko’s Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, Julia in Kenneth MacMillan’s Romeo und Julia, and the title role in Rusalka von Jiří Bubeníček. In addition, she appeared in choreographies by Hans van Manen, Heinz Spoerli, Davide Bombana and Reginaldo Oliveira.  She joined Ballett Zürich with the 2019/20 season.

Kevin Pouzou,

Kevin Pouzou

Kevin Pouzou is French. He studied at the École de Danse de l’Opéra de Paris and at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris. In 2007 he became a member of the Staatsballett Berlin, where he was appointed principal dancer in 2015. He has performed as Benno in Patrice Bart’s Schwanensee, as Paris in John Cranko’s Romeo und Julia, as well as in choreographies by George Balanchine, Nacho Duato, Stanton Welch, Angelin Preljocaj, Alexei Ratmansky, Ohad Nahrin, Vladimir Malakhov, and Jiří Kylián. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2017/18 season, where he has appeared as Prince Siegfried in Alexei Ratmansky’s Schwanensee, Diaghilev in Marco Goecke’s Nijinski, and Albrecht in Patrice Bart’s Giselle.

Matthew Bates,

Matthew Bates

Matthew Bates was born in Great Britain and studied at the Royal Ballet School in London. There he was the recipient of the Valerie Adams Award. He has appeared as Fritz in Der Nussknacker with the Royal Ballet. This is his third season as a member of the Junior Ballett.

Esteban Berlanga,

Esteban Berlanga

Esteban Berlanga comes from Spain. After his training at the Royal Conservatory of Albacete and the Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid, he danced at the English National Ballet from 2006 to 2013, where he was appointed principal dancer in 2012. Here he appeared as Prince Siegfried in Schwanensee by Derek Dean, the Prince in Kenneth MacMillan’s Dornröschen, Albrecht in Giselle by Mary Skeaping, the Nutcracker in the choreography by Wayne Eagling and Frédéric in L’Arlésienne by Roland Petit, among others. He also appeared in choreographies by Jiří Kylián and Maurice Béjart. He was nominated for the «Prix Benois de la Danse» for Faun(e) by David Dawson. He was principal dancer in the Compañia Nacional de Danza España from 2013-2018. There he performed as a soloist in choreographies by William Forsythe, Itzik Galili, Roland Petit, Aleix Mañé and Kenneth MacMillan. He has appeared with the English National Ballet, the Australian Ballet, the Nariko Kobayashi Ballet, and the Carmen Cortès Flamenco Company. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2018/19 season, where he has performed in Christian Spuck’s Winterreise and in the title role of Marco Goecke’s Nijinski.

Clara11, 15, 27, 30 Oct; 01, 02, 10, 15 Nov 2024 Giselle31 Jan; 18 Feb 2025 Of Light, Wind and Waters18, 23, 24 Jan 2025

Iacopo Arregui,

Iacopo Arregui

Iacopo Arregui is from Italy. He trained at the Balletto di Verona and the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo and he has appeared in various productions of the Ballets de Monte Carlo. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich with the 2019/20 season. He appeared in choreographies by Christian Spuck, Edward Clug, Jiří Kylián, Ohad Naharin and Crystal Pite, among others.

George Susman,

George Susman

George Susman is from Australia and was trained at the Tanz Akademie Zürich. He was a prizewinner at the Tanzolymp Berlin in 2018 and won the gold medal at the European Ballet Grand Prix in Vienna. This is his third season as a member of the Junior Ballett.

Dominik White Slavkovský,

Dominik White Slavkovský

Dominik White Slavkovský is Slovakian. Trained at the Bratislava Dance Conservatory, he danced for five years in the Ballet of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, most recently as a semi-soloist. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2014/15 season. In choreographies by Christian Spuck he performed the title role of "Woyzeck", as Drosselmeier in "Nutcracker and Mouse King", Coppelius in "The Sandman", Paris in "Romeo and Juliet" and as Death in Edward Clug's "Peer Gynt". He has also danced in choreographies by George Balanchine, Uwe Scholz, Alexei Ratmansky, Jiří Kylián, William Forsythe, Crystal Pite, Hans van Manen, Nacho Duato, Marco Goecke, James Kudelka, Vladimir Malakhov and many others. In the series "Young Choreographers" he showed his pieces "How to save the world", "Conspiracy" and "Boyband"

Riccardo Mambelli,

Riccardo Mambelli

Riccardo Mambelli was born in Italy. He received his education at the Tanz Akademie Zürich, and while a student there, he performed with Ballett Zürich in Alexei Ratmansky’s Schwanensee. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he joined the Ballett Zürich with the 2019/20 season. He has appeared in choreographies by Christian Spuck, Jiří Kylián, Ohad Naharin, Edward Clug, and Crystal Pite.

Wei Chen,

Wei Chen

Wei Chen comes from the USA and received his education at the Boston Ballet School, the Margo Marshall School of Ballet, the Walnut Hill School, and the Houston Ballet’s Ben Stevenson Academy. At the Royal Ballet of Flanders he danced in Marcia Haydées Schwanensee (Siegfried) and Dornröschen (Prince Desiré) as well as in Cranko’s Onegin (Lensky). He has also appeared in choreographies by Balanchine, Bournonville, Dawson, Forsythe, Godani, McGregor, Nureyev, Pite, Stevenson, and Wheeldon. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2013/14 season and has performed in choreographies by Douglas Lee, Jiří Kylián, Marco Goecke, Edward Clug, William Forsythe, and Crystal Pite, among others. He also danced Romeo and Mercutio in Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, Benno in Ratmansky’s Schwanensee, Coppelius in Spuck’s Der Sandmann, and Albrecht in Patrice Bart’s Giselle.

Clara20 Oct; 09 Nov 2024 Giselle07, 12, 19 Dec 2024 Of Light, Wind and Waters18, 23 Jan; 14, 22 Feb; 20 Mar 2025

Daniel Mulligan,

Daniel Mulligan

Daniel Mulligan comes from Great Britain and studied at the Royal Ballet School in London. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he joined Ballett Zürich in the 2009/10 season. He has appeared as a soloist in many of Heinz Spoerli’s choreographies. He danced Mercutio/Benvolio in Christian Spuck’s Romeo und Julia as well as in ballets by Mats Ek (Dornröschen), Hans van Manen (Solo, Kammerballett), Edward Clug (Chamber Minds, Le Sacre du printemps), Sol León/Paul Lightfoot (Skew-Whiff, Speak for Yourself), William Forsythe (Quintett), Jiří Kylián (Gods and Dogs, Stepping Stones, Sweet Dreams), Ohad Naharin (Minus 16), Marco Goecke (Petruschka), Filipe Portugal (Corpus), Douglas Lee, and Crystal Pite. Recent leading roles have included Mephisto in Faust by Edward Clug, Fritz and the Clown in Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, as well as Stiva in Spuck’s Anna Karenina.

Mark Geilings,

Mark Geilings

Mark Geilings comes from Australia, where he was trained at the Australian Ballet School. He danced with the Leipzig Ballet from 2012-2015, where he performed in choreographies by Uwe Scholz, Mario Schröder (the title role in Otello), Meryl Tankard (Cinderella), Ohad Naharin, and Cayetano Soto. He was a member of Gauthier Dance in Stuttgart for the 2015/16 season, where he performed in Marco Goecke’s Nijinsky. He has been a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2016/17 season, where he has appeared in Petruschka by Marco Goecke, Kammerballett by Hans van Manen, Gods and Dogs by Jiří Kylián, Lady with a Fan by Douglas Lee, and as Mercutio in Spuck’s Romeo und Julia, among others.

Luca Afflitto,

Luca Afflitto

Luca Afflitto is Italian. He studied at the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo and, while still a student, appeared with the Ballets de Monte Carlo. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, he is a member of Ballett Zürich since the 2019/20 season. He has appeared in choreographies by William Forsythe, Crystal Pite, Marco Goecke, Ohad Naharin, Cayetano Soto, Louis Stiens, and Goyo Montero. He presented his piece Come gli occhi sotto le ciglia as a part of the «Junge Choreografen» series. He was awarded the «Tanzpreis der Freunde des Balletts Zürich» in 2019.

Loïck Pireaux,

Loïck Pireaux

Loïck Pireaux is French. He trained at the École de Danse de l’Opéra de Paris. He danced with the Paris Opera Ballet from 2012-2016 in choreographies by Nureyev, Balanchine, Cranko, Petit, Neumeier, Kylian, and McGregor.  After that, he danced with the ballet of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma for four seasons, where he appeared in choreographies by Forsythe, Robbins, Lifar, McMillan, Bubeniček, and Ekman. He joined Ballett Zürich with this season.

Alexander Jones,

Alexander Jones

Alexander Jones comes from Great Britain. He received his dance training at the Royal Ballet School in London. In 2004 he won the gold medal in the Adeline Genée Competition and the Dame Ninette de Valois Prize. In the 2005/06 season he became a member of the Stuttgart Ballet, where he was appointed principal dancer in 2011/12. In Stuttgart he has appeared as Armand Duval in Neumeier’s Kameliendame, Romeo in Cranko’s Romeo und Julia, in the title roles of Cranko’s Onegin and Kevin O’Days Hamlet, as Basilio in Maximiliano Guerra’s Don Quixote and in MacMillan’s Lied von der Erde. He has also danced in choreographies by Balanchine, Robbins, Ashton, Schaufuss, Tetley, Béjart, Haydée, van Manen, Forsythe, Lee, McGregor, Clug, and Spuck. Alexander Jones has been a first soloist of Ballett Zürich since the 2015/16 season. Here he has danced Prince Siegfried in Alexei Ratmansky’s Schwanensee reconstruction, Albrecht in Patrice Bart’s Giselle and Romeo in Romeo und Julia, Nathanael in Der Sandmann and Vronsky in Anna Karenina (all by Christian Spuck), among others.

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky,

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky

Aurore Aleman Lissitzky comes from France. She received her training with Monique Loudières, at the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo and at the Hamburg Ballet School. In 2008 she won the gold medal at the Concours International de Grasse. At the age of 16 she became a member of the Hamburg Ballet and danced solos in numerous choreographies by John Neumeier. After half a season in the Junior Ballet, she joined the Ballett Zürich in the 2017/18 season. She danced solos in choreographies by Christian Spuck, Edward Clug, Johann Inger, Jiří Kyliáns (Stepping Stones) as well as in Patrice Bart (Peasant Pas-de-deux in Giselle) and William Forsythe (The Second Detail).

Meiri Maeda,

Meiri Maeda

Meiri Maeda is Japanese. She received her training at the Nobuko Okamoto Ballet Academy, at the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washington and at the Académie Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo. After two seasons with the Junior Ballett, she joined Ballett Zürich in the 2016/17 season. She has appeared as Marie in Christian Spuck’s Nussknacker und Mausekönig, in Forsythe’s The Second Detail, One Flat thing, reproduced, and In the middle, in Ratmansky’s Schwanensee reconstruction (4 small swans), in Emergence by Crystal Pite, and Bella Figura by Jiří Kylián.