
«Text and Dance»

Herbstferien program for 9- to 14-year olds

At first glance, text and dance have rather little to do with each other. But maybe they do after all? This week we will write our own texts: Words, sentences, and whole stories, working alone, in pairs, or in groups. We will also dance, with both freely improvised and choreographed movement. When writing, we imagine things, put them into words and write them down. When we dance, we think with our bodies and write things down not on paper, but in space. Our aim is to translate written-down thoughts and stories into dance, and vice versa. Write what we dance and dance what we write - maybe even both at the same time. We will conclude by presenting our short dance pieces and reading our texts to family and friends.

Mon Oct 9 until Fri Oct 13 2023
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., CHF 150

Registration open starting June 2023 at www.kulturvermittlung-zh.ch

Cooperation with JuLL Junges Literaturlabor