ballett für alle
Live broadcast on the Sechseläutenplatz
Each year, the Opernhaus Zürich broadcasts a performance live on the Sechseläutenplatz under the title oper für alle or ballett für alle, transforming the grand plaza into an open-air theater. This free event has become a beloved fixture on Zurich’s event calendar. Join in as more than 10,000 visitors come together for a summery evening performance under the stars. This year’s program features Christian Spuck’s ballet Dornröschen. Bring your friends, family, lawn chairs, picnic blankets, and picnic baskets – or take advantage of onsite food stands. A colorful pre-show program begins at 6pm.
Sat 11 Jun 2022
Curtain Dornröschen at 8 p.m.
Pre-show program with Kurt Aeschbacher and Tama Vakeesan from 6 p.m.
Chair sales from 5 p.m.
Catering from 4 p.m.
Free event
This way to the warm-up of Fri 10 Jun 2022
Presented by
Good to know
Trailer «Dornröschen»
The ballet classic from a slightly different perspective: the evil fairy as a wounded, vulnerable individual; Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty) in the middle of the difficult process of growing up.
Live from the opera house at this year's «ballett für alle»!
Here you will find answers to the most common ballett für alle questions!