
Winner of the International Classical Music Award 2017 (ICMA) in the category «DVD Performance»

The recording was available from Friday, 15 May 18:00 to Sunday, 17 May 24:00.

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The soldier Wozzeck flits through a world that he is unable to decipher. The doctor torments him with absurd medical experiments; the captain humiliates and ridicules him. And Wozzeck’s lover, Marie, with whom he has a child, cuckolds him with the drum major. Wozzeck becomes a murderer, stabbing Marie to death. Georg Büchner’s drama fragment, on which Alban Berg based his first opera, is an unflinching case study of social injustice and human suffering. But it is also a grotesque piece that thrives on exaggeration – and in which only a fine line separates the unfathomable from the ridiculous. Accordingly, director Andreas Homoki forgoes all realism. His nightmarishly radical production is inspired by puppet theatre. Christian Gerhaher’s role début as Wozzeck can only be described as sensational: his capacity for vocal and dramatic subtlety is simply breath-taking. At the rostrum of the Philharmonia Zurich, Fabio Luisi explores both the expressionistic and the more intimate aspects, reminiscent of chamber music, in Berg’s seminal score.

A production by Accentus Music in co-production with Opernhaus Zürich, in cooperation with BR and Arte Concert.

Trailer «Wozzeck»


Fabio Luisi Conductor
Andreas Homoki Stage Director
Michael Levine Set and Costume Designer
Meta Bronski Costume Assistant
Franck Evin Lighting Designer
Jürg Hämmerli Chorus Master

Christian Gerhaher Wozzeck
Brandon Jovanovich Drum Major
Mauro Peter Andres
Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke Captain
Lars Woldt Doctor
Gun-Brit Barkmin Marie

Philharmonia Zürich
Chor der Oper Zürich



Photos «Wozzeck»

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